Virtual Research2Business meetings at the 14. ITTC
Research and Innovation with and for Europe!
Platform to manage bilateral Research-2-Business meetings
Research-2-Business meetings will take place on 7 October 2021 as a part of the 14th International Technology Transfer Conference.
On 7 October 2021 Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jožef Stefan Institute organizes the 14th International Technology Transfer Converence in collaboration with the International multiconference Information Society (IS2021).
One-to-one research-to-business pre-scheduled meetings will allow the representatives of companies and research institutions to discuss possible development solutions, inventions and commercially interesting technologies. Such meetings present an excellent basis for possible future research cooperation and business synergies.
The meetings will focus on applications, solutions and expertise in natural sciences like electronics, IT, robotics, new materials, environment, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, etc.
Companies and researchers are invited to book meetings also with technology transfer experts from the Center of technology transfer and innovation.
The meetings will be held virtually through B2match platform.

This year’s conference will tackle the following issue:
How to survive the valley of death?
Our aim is to promote knowledge exchange between academia and industry, in order to strengthen the cooperation and transfer of innovations from research labs into industrial exploitation. Our goal is also to further strengthen the knowledge base and experiences of technology transfer professionals at public research organisations.
- Conference Prize for the Best innovations in 2021
- WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy
- WIPO Medal for Inventors
- R2B - Research2Business meetings
- Opportunities arising from publicly funded research projects (presentations of successful scientific projects)
- Presentations of research and scientific papers on TT and IPR
The conference and R2B meetings will be virtual.
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